A Skyrim enthusiast recently faced a tough reality when an oversight led to the loss of a significant stash of in-game resources. This mishap isn’t uncommon among Skyrim players, many of whom experience it at least once before learning from the mistake due to its harsh repercussions.
Even after more than a decade since its release, players are still uncovering what can and cannot be done in Skyrim. Most of the game’s biggest secrets have long been unveiled, yet that doesn’t deter players from experimenting with new strategies to gain an advantage on their quests. Take, for instance, a player who managed to reach an incredibly high level without venturing beyond the starting area, proving that substantial progress isn’t necessary for skill advancement. As this classic game continues to age, gamers are likely to keep exploring its possibilities. Sometimes, though, their efforts don’t end in triumph.
Reddit user HelloW0rldBye experienced this firsthand after storing ore, leather, and gems in some exterior barrels in Whiterun, only to find later that their precious items had been replaced with carrots after they despawned. One commenter sympathized, calling it a “rookie mistake,” while another noted that Skyrim’s loading screens actually caution against this exact scenario with a hint warning players.
While using Whiterun barrels as extra storage in Skyrim is indeed a clever tactic, players must remember that items stored there will vanish after 30 in-game days. Such a setup makes it all too easy to forget and lose track of valuable materials, making it a risky place for storing prized possessions. Despite its ingenuity, this strategy should only be temporary, a lesson learned the hard way by HelloW0rldBye. Given the proximity of these barrels to Breezehome, a player-owned abode, relying on them for long-term storage is generally unnecessary for most.
Part of Skyrim’s enduring appeal lies in the absence of updates from Bethesda regarding The Elder Scrolls 6. The developers have remained mostly silent about the upcoming title, fueling numerous speculations about what this anticipated sequel will entail. With Starfield now behind us, fans are hopeful that Bethesda will soon open up about The Elder Scrolls 6.